Thomas Liu Le Lann
Thomas Liu Le Lann
Born in 1994, lives and works in Geneva, CH
. 2018 Master of Arts, Work.Master, HEAD, Geneva, CH
. 2017 Bachelor in Chinese Language and Literature, BLCU, Beijing, CN
. 2016 Bachelor of Arts, Beaux-Arts de Nantes, FR
Solo and duo exhibitions
. GYM: sports-themed video installation, Maison Suisse, Paris, FR
. Entertainment, E-WERK, Freiburg im Breisgau, DE
. Rivoli, Xippas, Geneva, CH
. Training Part 7, Samaritaine, Paris FR
. French Toast, VinVin, Naples, IT
. Chew, with Alfredo Aceto, VinVin, Vienna, AT
. Buckets, with Anne Minazio, Xippas, Geneva, CH
. Milo, Dittrich & Schlechtriem, Berlin, DE
. 17, Xippas, Paris, FR
. Gentilhommière, Xippas, Chêne-Bougerie, Geneva, CH
. Best Western, Lubov, New York, US
. Ziwen, you deserve all the flowers that still grow on earth, Xippas, Geneva, CH
. i'm not okay, VinVin, Vienna, AT
. ShowDown, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Locle, CH
. 19.07, Maladie d'Amour, Grenoble, FR
Group exhibitions
. Condo Mexico, General Expenses/Des Bains, Mexico, MX
. HIT X Mighela Shama, Galerie Mighela Shama, Geneva, CH
. Naturaleza Abstracta, Xippas, Punta del Este, UY
. Painting & Furniture, HIT, Geneva, CH
. Grants of the City of Geneva, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, CH
. Cozzie Livs, cur. Tom Bull, Des Bains, London, UK
. Highlights aus der Sammlung Jakob, E-WERK, Freiburg im Breisgau, DE
. Claustrophobia Alpina III: Relief, cur. Varun Kumar, Forde, Geneva, CH
. Barbe à Papa, cur. Cédric Fauq, CAPC, Bordeaux, FR
. Enivrez-vous, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, FR
. Baby, Welcome to the Party, cur. Caroline Poggi et Jonathan Vinel, MAGCP, Cajarc, FR
. Young Poets, cur. Lukas Jakob, Reiners Contemporary, Marbella, SP
. When the Subversive Stitches, cur. Collectif Detente, Commun, Geneva CH
. Geneva Decade, Xippas Gallery, Geneva, CH
. Mass Hysteria, Goswell Road, Paris, FR
. Year of the rat, Dittrich & Schlechtriem, Berlin, DE
. Uplift, Galerie Xippas, Geneva, CH
. Abbieannian Novlangue, cur. Julia Marchand, Galerie Sultana, Paris, FR Duna Bianca, cur. Alfredo Aceto, Dittrich & Schlechtriem, Berlin, DE
. Une Histoire D'amour, cur. Sonnenstube, One Gee In Fog, Geneva, CH
. Journal Hit, HIT, Geneva, CH
. Modules, cur. Samuel Gross, ArtGenève, Geneva, CH
. Etudes sur l’Empathie, cur. Charlotte Laubard, Fondation Ricard, Paris, FR
. 28 Days, 6 Hours, 42 Minutes, 12 Seconds, Mikro, Zurich, CH
. Henry Darger Summer Camp, cur. Julia Marchand, Extramentale, Arles, FR
. Group Show, cur. Mohamed Almusibli, Duplex, Geneva, CH
. I know you're out there, curated by Lolita, Paris, FR
. Offshore framing, cur. Julius Pristauz, Take Festival, Vienna, AT Plattform19, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Yverdon-les-Bains, CH
. Cory & Coco, BNP Paribas Foundation, Geneva, CH
. How to communicate my bread, Care Party #4, Xi', François II Gallery, Nantes, FR
. Xi, BAM Festival, Nantes, FR
. PNG, TU Théâtre Universitaire, Nantes, FR
. COOL, Pas le temps, Nantes, FR
. November 2024 - February 2025, BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY, Hangzhou, CN
. 2021 Pierre-Alexandre Mateos, Charles Teyssou, Ser Serpas, Milo (Berlin: Dittrich & Schlechtriem, 2021)
. 2020 Elsa Vettier, Charlotte Laubard, Etudes sur l’Empathie (Paris: Fondation d'Entreprise Ricard, 2020)
. 2019 Paul Clinton, Thomas Liu Le Lann (Geneva: BNP Paribas Foundation, 2019)
. 2023 Grants of the City of Geneva (recipient)
. 2019 Helvetia Kunstpreis (nomination)
. 2018
New Heads BNP Paribas Art Award (recipient)
Head Gallery Prize (recipient)
. Samaritaine, Paris, FR
. Fond Cantonal d'Art Contemporain, Geneva, CH . Collezione Taurisano, Naples, IT
. m3 COLLECTION, Geneva, CH
. Sammlung Jakob, Gundelfingen, DE
. Fondation BNP Paribas, Geneva, CH
Curatorial project
. Cherish, Petit-Lancy (art space, with Mohamed Almusibli, James Bantone and Ser Serpas)